Class of 1961
Graduation Date: Tuesday, May 23, 1961
Class Motto: “We have crossed the bay, The ocean lies before us.”
Class Colors: Red, White, and Silver
Class Flower: White Rose
Valedictorian: David Ryerson
Salutatorian: Beverly Nerness
Class Officers
- President – David Ryerson
- Vice-President – Mary Jo Reinertson
- Secretary – Beverly Nerness
- Treasurer – Ronnie Slippy
- Executive Officers — Charlene Wilson and Mark Freeland
Senior Members of the National Honor Society
- Mark Freeland
- Joyce Jordan
- Beverly Nerness
- David Ryerson
- Susan Weeks
- Charlene Wilson
Members of the Graduating Class of 1961
Robert Brown | Gloria Cairns | Judy Cook | Fredric Eivins | Donald Erickson |
Mary Erickson | Mark Freeland | Judy Gillis | Carl Harmon | Earline Jennings |
Susan Jesse | Carol Johnson | Eldon Johnson | Joyce Jordan | Thomas Jordan |
Patricia Kingsbury | Karen Klonglan | Gloria Lande | Richard Lande | Janet Locker |
Jerry Miller | John Murray | Kenneth Nelson | Beverly Nerness | Arthur Olsen |
Diane Peterson | Mary Jo Reinertson | Arlo Richardson | James Rye | David Ryerson |
Charles Sheldahl | Martha Shinn | Ronnie Slippy | Gerald Sydnes | Barbara Thompson |
Donna Thompson | Mary Twedt | Larry Tweedt | Arlene VerSchuer | Susan Weeks |
Charlene Wilson |